Hackensack Meridian JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute in Edison, NJ, is launching its new Music Therapy Program for patients at the extended recovery unit (ERU). Neurologic music therapy for in-patient treatment The ERU provides sub-acute treatment for patients who have recovered enough from their brain injury to be discharged to the community after completing the first phase of rehabilitation and […]
Tanglewood Health
Tips for More Energy, Better Mood With Age
As we age, we gain wisdom, perspective and yes, even changes that can sap our energy. There are ways to keep your bounce, even if you don’t dance as fast as before. Focus on: Diet Exercise Sleep Manage Your Menu Take a look at your plate if you’ve been eating similar foods for a long time. The […]
Why Is It So Important to Choose the Right Wheelchair?
If a wheelchair does not fit, it can lead to secondary injury from long-term use. A wheelchair that cannot relieve pressure on the buttocks or lower back can lead to pressure sores and skin damage. The wheelchair’s armrests can also be too high. Shrugging for a long time can cause stiffness in the deltoid muscle. The seat of the wheelchair can […]
Positive attitude about aging could boost health
Recent research shows that people with a more positive attitude towards aging tend to live longer, healthier lives. Harvard T.H. The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found that people who are most satisfied with their aging process have a 43% reduced risk of dying over a 4-year period. The study found that those who were […]
Pain Assessment in Clients with Dementia
Knowing the telltale signs of pain and using a pain assessment can help ensure that patients’ needs are not overlooked when they have difficulty communicating. John V. Rider PhD, OTR/L MSCS, Amanda Godfrey OTD-S and Connor Wallace OTD S As the life expectancy increases, dementia and other age-related disorders that affect cognition and communication will […]
Shear reduction: An important element in pressure injury prevention
Pressure injuries (also known as bedsores, pressure ulcers or bed sores) are of particular concern to individuals who have mobility issues or spend long periods in a static position. Shear forces play an important role in the progression and development of pressure injuries, along with friction and pressure. We will discuss shear reduction, a key strategy for […]