Human beings are inherently social creatures. Spending time with and receiving validation from others is important to us, especially during life’s transitions, which is why support groups for older adults are so popular. As we age, we can expect physical decline. Although our social networks may become more meaningful, they often become smaller. As we […]
Tanglewood Health
10 Best Medical Alert Systems: Tested And Expert Reviewed
Key Takeaways Many of the top-rated medical alert systems have monitoring fees that are less than $45 per month. We evaluated each device in our list for its response times, accuracy of fall detection, ease of setup, and other factors. Bay Alarm Medical SOS In-Home With Fall Detection is our top pick; our reviewer found the […]
6 Reasons to Think Differently About Pediatric Mobility
Many different healthcare professionals use the phrase “Kids look like little adults.” Children’s specialists would disagree with this statement and remind everyone that treating children is different from treating adults. We know that children are still growing and developing, so we need to pay attention to developmental and growth issues that aren’t typically seen in adult care. In […]
Could Device Improve Kids’ Concussion Recovery?
Concussions, a form of traumatic brain injury Affecting approximately 2 million US children under 18, concussions can negatively impact physical, mental, emotional and sleep health. Parents and doctors agree that it’s difficult to tell when a child has recovered their full cognitive function after a concussion. A new device that could improve concussion recovery in children may change […]
Defying Gravity with Aquatic Therapy
An in-depth look at the benefits of aquatherapy for neurorehabilitation. by Kaila M. Morin, PT. DPT. CBIS The pool has been proven to be a healing environment for many clients in neurorehabilitation. Due to its inherent benefits, aquatic therapy is becoming a popular alternative or adjunct to land-based therapies. Aquatic therapy can be a powerful tool […]
Tech Use Causing Chronic Neck Pain in Many Americans
The use of electronic devices such as mobile phones, tablets and other electronic gadgets by Americans is causing a chronic condition called tech neck. According to experts at the UT Southwestern Medical Center, technology has led to a condition known as “tech neck”, chronic pain caused by prolonged use of electronic devices such as mobile phones, […]